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GoD: Thanksgiving Event 2023

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 1:59 am
by admin
Dear players,

As Thanksgiving Day comes, we'd like to thank you for your playing Guardians of Divinity for the past years.

1. From today (Nov 23) to Nov 30, we'll give 3 Thanksgiving Chests every day. The Chest contains Melt Pill and Melt Essence. There's chance you can also get Morph Will out of the chest.


2. During the event time, all recharge will get 2X Diamonds and VIP Points.

3. When the event comes to the end, and your total recharge gets to $100, you will get an item, Tenderheart, which can be used to activate the title "Tenderheart" forever. When total recharge gets to $200, you will get an item, Giving Thanks, which can be used to activate the title "Giving Thanks" for ever.



Have a great holiday!

The Eleasure Team
Nov 23rd, 2023

Re: GoD: Thanksgiving Event 2023

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 10:26 am
by becafkoo
thank you for event, pls read private message.